Posted on 11/4/2020

It may not always be obvious when there's a problem with your vehicle, but if there's an issue with your brakes, they'll start to squeal to let you know. Your brakes' health and integrity are a vital component to on-the-road safety for you and your passengers. Unusual brake sounds shouldn't be ignored. Below are three reasons why your brakes have begun to squeal. The brake pads are worn. Brake pads aren't designed to last forever; as you drive, they'll eventually wear thin. If your brakes are worn down to the metal, they'll begin to produce a squealing sound. The brake pads aren't easy for the everyday driver to check. If you're starting to hear a squeal from your brakes, it's vital to have them inspected. The brake fluid needs to be changed. The brake pads are not the only aspect that can wear; the brake fluid can as well. The brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid tha ... read more
Posted on 10/15/2017

While technology has created ways for us to multi-task and make phone calls, dictate texts and update social media at any time and at any place, all of these actions have been proven to increase the risk of being involved in a car crash if done while driving. However, the concept of distracted driving is not just around technology. A person in the car can distract you, something that you are eating (and drops in your lap!) can distract you – anything that takes your eyes and concentration off the road in front of you is a distraction to be eliminated. The National Safety Council has many resources to share on the concept of distracted driving, from videos to posters all aimed at raising awareness in your workplace, at home and in the community a large. They invite you to come to their site and take advantage of all the education and awareness tools that they have available, beginning with "T ... read more